Our Programs
Trauma Recovery and Psychotherapy Support for the Most Vulnerable Children in Ukrainian Orphanages
We deliver continuous mental health care for children lacking family support, ensuring they have access to emotional and psychological guidance to promote healing, resilience, and personal growth. Also, we provide specialized therapy programs and seminars focused on treating stress, PTSD, and trauma for children and adolescents living in orphanages and impacted by the war, ensuring their emotional and psychological recovery and further healthy development.
War is a time of hardship for every society. The emotional toll is heaviest for children who cannot yet understand and digest the horrors they experience and are often the targets of violence. They may witness various events that traumatize the psyche: shelling, destruction, death and injury, torture and murder, and the loss of loved ones.
Such experiences can lead to many psychological problems. In addition, lack of timely care has a detrimental effect on a child's life, both in everyday life and in their ability to continue their education, thus affecting the child's psychological state and capacity to live a healthy life long into the future. Children live in chronic trauma, including exploitation of children, psycho-social insecurity due to war and displacement, or loss of primary caregivers.
Critical Humanitarian Aid
We provide critical humanitarian aid—shelter, medication, nutrition, and other essentials—to children in Ukrainian orphanages, ensuring their immediate safety while establishing pathways for their long-term development and well-being.
Giving to orphans has never been more critical than it is now in Ukraine. We understand how important it is to support them. The research shows that an institutional environment is less than ideal for any child’s development. Orphanages can fill a necessary gap in care when a large-scale crisis leads to the death of many parents. We spend time with orphans just to let them know that they are loved and that there are people who care about them. Also, we meet with staff and assess the needs of the children. Our regular visits also allow us to develop relationships with the children.
All-Round Child Development Programs
We implement educational initiatives designed to promote the holistic development of children in Ukrainian orphanages—supporting their physical, emotional, social, and intellectual growth—so they can become healthy, well-rounded adults and contribute positively to Ukraine’s future. Children must acquire the skills to learn and succeed without the support of their mothers and fathers: an extraordinary challenge. Our education programs help children become well-rounded individuals, both mentally and physically. Our programs promote healthy socialization, cooperation, respect, concentration, confidence, and self-esteem.
UVF wants to make children happier, smarter, and healthier.